Early V8 Garage
1217 Azusa Canyon Road
West Covina, CA 91790
Phone: (626)338-2282
Fax:   (626)337-1175

Specializing in 1932-1938 Ford Hydraulic Brake Conversion Kits

We manufacture our exclusive no-modification kits to install early Ford hydraulic brakes on your 1932-1938 vehicle. We also stock all parts necessary to do the job right. No cutting/drilling/welding is required. Our kits use only existing holes in your original frame, and utilize your original pedals. Kits include linkage to connect your original handbrake handle to the rear cable used by Ford on 1939-1948 hydraulic systems. Our kits can be uninstalled without leaving any trace, should you later wish to return your Ford to original.

Other Ford Parts:

We also specialize in New Old Stock and select used original parts for 1932-1953 Ford passenger and commercial vehicles. FAX or E-Mail your "wanted" list. We maintain a search file of your needs and will contact you automatically when the parts become available!

At Early V8 Garage, we provide the personal service that you need to solve your parts problems and increase the enjoyment of your Ford. Our exclusive products include complete do-it-yourself instructions and our pledge to provide answers when you need them!

Hours: Live Person: Monday - Saturday 9AM to 5PM
FAX/E-Mail: 24 Hours / 7 Days

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